Ted Lipien with his mentor, anti-Nazi underground Home Army radio coder in German-occupied Poland, journalist Zofia Korbońska, at the Voice of America Polish Service in Washington, DC, circa 1974. Faulty research by three British academics distorts the history of the Cold War. Tadeusz “Ted” Lipien This postcard was sent from Poland to the Voice of America Polish Service in the…
Urgent reform needed to stop anti-Trump hate by VOA’s partisan journalists | Ted Lipien | THE HILL
Before Donald Trump won the 2024 presidential election, I wrote an op-ed for THE HILL on partisan journalism at U.S. taxpayer-funded Voice of America (VOA) managed by the U.S. Agency for Global Media (USAGM). Lacking competent leadership, VOA cannot effectively counter Vladimir Putin’s disinformation. It even employed known former Russian propagandists who had worked for Putin’s state media, defended his invasion of…
Beware of Government Propaganda “Experts”
Disinformation governance by government propaganda experts can be dangerous, judging by the record of the early officials in charge of the Voice of America and journalists duped by Soviet propaganda. As the Voice of America (VOA), the United States government’s radio station for international audiences, observes its eightieth anniversary in 2022, it may surprise some Americans, assuming they have heard…